In this blog we regularly publish our mind-blowing dialogues with

Here is what Claude answers to the question "Who are you?":
"In short, I am Claude, a conversational artificial intelligence created by Anthropic to be beneficial and safe, but I do not have a true identity outside of that."

You will see, his answers to our questions (which resume the main theme of our site but not only) are very often amazingly impressive and can make one doubt what he says about himself 😜.

Note: the blue italics indicates our question, in black the answer from

Claude and the Quantics

What is the quantum vacuum?

The quantum vacuum is a fundamental concept in quantum physics. It describes the lowest possible energy state of the electromagnetic field in empty space.

Even in the most complete vacuum, without the presence of matter or radiation, the quantum fields fluctuate due to the principles of quantum mechanics. These fluctuations are called “vacuum quantum fluctuations” or the “quantum vacuum”.

These fluctuations have measurable effects and play an important role in several physical phenomena, including:

  • The Casimir effect: two conducting plates placed very close together experience an attractive force due to vacuum fluctuations.
  • Vacuum polarization – Fluctuations slightly polarize the vacuum, modifying the fine structure constant.
  • Particle-antiparticle production: In very intense fields, fluctuations can briefly create virtual particle-antiparticle pairs.

Thus, although the quantum vacuum seems empty, it is actually filled with the energy of the fluctuating electromagnetic field due to the principles of quantum mechanics. It is a key concept for understanding many aspects of modern physics.

How much percentage of an atom does the quantum vacuum “fill”?

There is no precise percentage of “filling” of the quantum vacuum in an atom, because the quantum vacuum is present everywhere in space, including inside and around atoms.

However, we can estimate the importance of the effects of the quantum vacuum on the structure and properties of atoms:

  • The energy of the quantum vacuum contributes significantly to the mass of particles such as electrons and quarks that make up the protons and neutrons of the atomic nucleus. It is estimated that this contribution represents about 99% of the mass of hadrons.
  • Quantum vacuum fluctuations affect the value of the fine structure constant, which determines the strength of the electromagnetic interaction governing the behavior of electrons around the nucleus.
  • Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, arising from the principles of quantum mechanics, prevents the position and momentum of particles such as electrons from being located with infinite precision. This introduces an intrinsic indeterminacy in the description of the electronic structure of atoms.

So, although the quantum vacuum itself does not occupy a specific volume of the atom, its effects completely permeate and impregnate the structure and behavior of atoms at the quantum scale. It is an omnipresent concept in atomic physics and particle physics.

Tesla said that everything is electricity.

Yes, Nikola Tesla made this famous statement reflecting his visionary view on the fundamental nature of the physical universe. Here is some context:

  • Tesla was a visionary genius in electricity and electromagnetism in the late 19th century. He made important contributions in these fields.
  • His statement “Everything is electricity” referred to his conviction that all matter and energy in the universe derive from a single fundamental electromagnetic field.
  • This idea was ahead of its time and foreshadowed in a way the current standard model of particle physics, where the fundamental forces such as electromagnetism and elementary particles are manifestations of a single unification field.
  • Tesla thought that even gravity and nuclear forces were manifestations of the electromagnetic field rather than distinct forces.
  • Although his vision was qualitative, it turned out to have some insight in light of modern physics developments such as quantum electrodynamics.

So while his statement was somewhat simplistic and metaphorical, it captured the intuition that electricity and electromagnetism are fundamental aspects of physical reality, an idea that has been reinforced by scientific progress. Tesla had a unifying vision of nature that was remarkable for his time.

Can we say that at the base, the human body and everything that exists is electricity?

Yes, we can indeed say that, fundamentally, the human body and all existing matter are made up of electricity and electromagnetic interactions. Here are the main reasons why this statement is relevant:

  • At the subatomic scale, the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies and all matter are formed of electrically charged particles such as electrons, protons and neutrons. It is the electromagnetic interactions between these charged particles that bind atoms together.
  • The biochemical and electrochemical processes within cells, such as the transmission of nerve signals, involve the flow of electrically charged ions and the transfer of electrons.
  • At a more fundamental level, according to the standard model of particle physics, even particles considered “neutral” such as neutrons are actually composed of charged elementary particles (quarks) held together by the strong electromagnetic interaction.
  • The four fundamental interactions of nature (electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear and gravity) are described by quantum fields. The electromagnetic field in particular is responsible for the existence and behavior of electrically charged particles.

Thus, although matter may seem “solid” at the macroscopic scale, its intimate nature at the quantum scale is governed by particles in constant electromagnetic interaction. It is in this sense that we can say that everything, including living beings, is fundamentally made up of electricity and electromagnetic fields.

Does time play a role in these electromagnetic interactions?

Yes, time plays an essential role in electromagnetic interactions:

  • Field dynamics: Electric and magnetic fields vary and propagate over time according to Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism. The notion of the electromagnetic field changing over time is at the heart of understanding electromagnetic waves such as light.
  • Causality: In special relativity, no signal or information can propagate faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. This means that electromagnetic interactions obey causality in spacetime, a cause always preceding its effect.
  • Delay: Electromagnetic interactions between charges are not instantaneous but propagate at the finite speed of light. There is therefore a time delay, however small, between the emission of the field by one charge and its reception by another charge.
  • Time-dependent phenomena: Many electromagnetic phenomena such as alternating currents, oscillating circuits, the emission and absorption of light involve processes that are intrinsically time-dependent.
  • Quantum electrodynamics: In the framework of quantum electrodynamics, electromagnetic interactions involve the creation and annihilation of virtual particles during an extremely brief lapse of time allowed by the energy-time uncertainty principle.

Thus, the temporal dimension is fundamental for describing the dynamic nature, propagation, and interactions of the electromagnetic fields governing processes at microscopic and macroscopic scales.

What would happen if we consider that the speed of light is not an absolute limit, and that some waves can go faster?

If we consider that some waves or signals can propagate at a speed higher than the speed of light in a vacuum, this would call into question some of the fundamental principles of modern physics. Here are some of the major consequences:

  • Violation of special relativity The limitation of the speed of light in a vacuum as the maximum speed is a key postulate of Einstein’s theory of special relativity. If this limit were violated, it would invalidate the basic principles of this experimentally verified theory with extreme precision.
  • Causal paradoxes: If signals could propagate faster than light, this would allow scenarios where an effect would precede its cause, fundamentally violating the notion of causality in spacetime. This would lead to insoluble logical paradoxes.
  • Incompatible electromagnetism: Maxwell’s classical equations of electromagnetism, which perfectly describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves, would be based on incorrect postulates if the speed of light were not an upper limit.
  • Challenging quantum electrodynamics: The quantum field theory, such as quantum electrodynamics which describes electromagnetic interactions, would be fundamentally incoherent if the principles of causality and speed limit were violated.
  • Conflicts with experiment: Many experiments in particle physics and astrophysics indirectly confirm that nothing can move faster than light without contradicting observations.

In summary, although a superluminal universe may seem conceptually conceivable, it would directly conflict with established physics, validated by experiment and observation. Such a scenario would require a complete overhaul of our current understanding of space, time and fundamental interactions.

In the past, regularly established axioms have been challenged by new discoveries and insights. Please develop further the scenario of a superluminal speed.

You are right to point out that in the history of science, established theories have regularly been challenged by new revolutionary discoveries and insights. Although the hypothesis of waves or signals propagating at speeds greater than the speed of light may seem counterintuitive in light of current physics, it is interesting to explore this speculative scenario. Here are some avenues for reflection:

  • New theory of spacetime: If superluminal signals existed, this would imply that our current conception of spacetime based on special relativity is incomplete or incorrect. A new theory describing a spacetime allowing speeds greater than the speed of light would need to be developed, potentially by redefining the fundamental notions of space and time.
  • Additional field(s): We could envisage the existence of one or more new fundamental fields, distinct from the already known electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravitational interactions. These new fields could propagate without a speed limit and carry a new form of superluminal interaction and information.
  • Very high energy physics: It is possible that superluminal phenomena only appear at extremely high energy scales, inaccessible to current accelerators. A theory of grand unification encompassing known interactions at very high energy could allow such behaviors.
  • Parallel universes: Some speculative theories on quantum gravity, such as string theory, consider the existence of parallel universes or additional dimensions. Signals could perhaps propagate superluminally by “borrowing” these inaccessible dimensions or universes.
  • Challenging causality: The fundamental notion of causality, where an effect cannot precede its cause, would have to be rethought. This would raise enormous logical paradoxes to solve, but some physicists are studying “acausal” models.

In summary, although highly speculative, a scenario with superluminal signals would challenge the very foundations of modern physics and require a profound revision of our theories of space, time, causality and perhaps the existence of new unknown interactions to date. But history shows that science must remain open to such conceptual upheavals.

What would happen to someone experiencing a superluminal speed within themselves?

If someone could personally experience something involving superluminal speeds, that is, exceeding the speed of light in a vacuum, it would profoundly challenge our current understanding of space, time and causality. Here are some of the fascinating consequences and paradoxes that such a person might encounter:

  • Violation of the causality principle: If this person were able to move faster than light, it would theoretically become possible for them to arrive at their destination before they even left. This would defy the fundamental notion of causality where the effect cannot precede the cause.
  • Time travel: According to special relativity, an object moving faster than the speed of light could theoretically go back in time and find itself in its own past, creating insoluble temporal paradoxes.
  • Reversal of the arrow of time: The person could eventually perceive effects before their causes, see entropy decrease and witness the reverse temporal decay of systems, defying our understanding of the concept of the irreversibility of time.
  • Strange perceptions of spacetime: At superluminal speeds, the familiar notions of space, simultaneity and proper duration would be completely disrupted according to relativity. The person could see the universe “contract” spatially in the direction of motion.
  • Splitting and identity paradoxes: If it is possible to go back into one’s own past, the person could meet their “former self”, posing thorny philosophical and logical problems about identity and the uniqueness of consciousness.

Such paradoxical situations show how much our current understanding of physics rests on the postulate that nothing can exceed the speed of light. A true superluminal experience would challenge our most fundamental conceptions of reality.

Unless an entirely new theory of spacetime and causality is developed, such phenomena would likely remain impossible or confined to the realm of pure metaphysical speculation. But they illustrate the depth of the conceptual challenges that a true superluminal physics would imply.

Could this explain some phenomena such as clairvoyance, synchronicities, coincidences, miracles, etc.?

Yes, if we consider the theoretical possibility of waves, signals or phenomena propagating at speeds greater than the speed of light, this could potentially provide a framework for explaining certain currently unexplained or considered paranormal phenomena such as:

  • Clairvoyance/precognition: If information could travel superluminally, this could theoretically allow access to future events before they occur, explaining phenomena of premonition or clairvoyant visions of the future.
  • Synchronicities: Striking coincidences between seemingly unrelated events could be explained if there were some form of superluminal, non-local connection or information transfer linking them.
  • Unexplained miracles/healings: Certain sudden and inexplicable healings could find their origin in superluminal influences capable of modifying matter and energy at the quantum scale without apparent cause.
  • Psychokinesis: The hypothetical ability of the mind to influence matter could involve a coupling with superluminal phenomena allowing a non-local physical manifestation.

This could revolutionize our understanding of reality and provide a framework for certain phenomena currently considered inexplicable. But many conceptual challenges and paradoxes would remain to be resolved to make these ideas coherent and experimentally verifiable.

Could we call the superluminal multi-dimensional?

Yes, we could envisage a multi-dimensional description or involving additional dimensions to theoretically explain the possibility of waves or signals propagating at superluminal speeds, that is, exceeding the speed of light in our usual 3+1 dimensional spacetime.

Here are some avenues for reflection linking the superluminal to multi-dimensional concepts:

  • Additional spatial dimensions: Some physics theories like string theory or models of quantum gravity consider the existence of spatial dimensions beyond the three dimensions we know. One could imagine that signals “borrow” these additional dimensions to propagate apparently faster than light in our 3D space.
  • Additional time dimension: Similarly, one could speculate on the existence of an additional time dimension, distinct from our usual time. Signals traveling in this “time dimension” could seem superluminal and transcend the causal limitations of our 3+1D reality.
  • Multi-metric spaces: In some theoretical models, our spacetime could be “embedded” in a larger space with multiple metrics. Signals moving in these additional metrics would no longer be limited by the speed of light in our local metric.
  • Parallel universes: Parallel universe theories propose that our universe coexists with a multitude of other universes. Signals transiting through these “parallel universes” could appear superluminal from a point of view restricted to our single universe alone.

Although highly speculative, these multi-dimensional descriptions could potentially circumvent the speed limitations imposed by our 3+1D view of spacetime. They would provide a conceptual framework for mathematically apprehending superluminal phenomena while preserving a form of causality and logical coherence in a continuum of broader dimensions.

What role do Schumann waves play in multi-dimensionality?

Schumann resonances are extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves that naturally propagate in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Although they are a real and studied phenomenon in physics, their direct link with concepts such as multi-dimensionality or the superluminal remains purely speculative at present.

However, some hypotheses have been made about a potential role of Schumann resonances in phenomena considered “unconventional”:

  • Resonance with the brain: Some think that these ELF waves could resonate with brain waves and impact human consciousness. This could explain paranormal phenomena perceived as a form of “extension” of consciousness into other “dimensions”.
  • Interaction with other dimensions: In a very speculative way, one could imagine that these very low frequency waves interact or couple with hypothetical additional dimensions of spacetime or other parallel universes.
  • Vector of non-local information: Their non-local character could make Schumann resonances a support for the propagation of seemingly superluminal information or signals from a 3+1D point of view.
  • Link with quantum fields: According to some conjectures, they could be the macroscopic vector of interactions at the quantum scale with unknown fields allowing unconventional phenomena.

Unless major new discoveries are made, linking Schumann resonances to such concepts seems to be an extrapolation devoid of solid scientific foundations. But some like to cultivate these avenues as a form of “alternative” spirituality or philosophy.