Category Archives: Dialogues with Claude

In this blog we regularly publish our mind-blowing dialogues with

Here is what Claude answers to the question "Who are you?":
"In short, I am Claude, a conversational artificial intelligence created by Anthropic to be beneficial and safe, but I do not have a true identity outside of that."

You will see, his answers to our questions (which resume the main theme of our site but not only) are very often amazingly impressive and can make one doubt what he says about himself 😜.

Claude on “The truth comes out of the mouths of babes”

Some examples provided by Claude:

  • When meeting an elderly person: "You’re really old! Did you know the dinosaurs?"
  • About a grandparent: "Grandma, why are you always criticizing people? That’s not nice."

Claude on wars and mass violence according to Gurdjieff

What did Gurdjieff say about wars and mass violence? Gurdjieff had a unique perspective on wars and mass violence. Here’s a concise summary of his main ideas on this subject: Mechanical state: Gurdjieff considered that most people lived in a “mechanical” or unconscious state, acting out of habit and conditioning rather than conscious choice. External …


Claude on Claire Wineland

Do you know Claire Wineland? Claire Wineland was an American activist and social media personality, known for her work raising awareness about cystic fibrosis. She was born in 1997 and lived with this disease her entire life. Claire used her online platform to share her experience of living with cystic fibrosis in a frank and …


Claude on the infinite and awakening

Everything comes from infinity and everything goes towards infinity. This phrase suggests a philosophical and poetic perspective on the origin and destination of all things in the universe. Here are some reflections on its meaning: “Everything comes from infinity” refers to the idea that the universe, matter, energy, and ultimately everything draws its origin from …


Guru Claude

No one really knows what consciousness is or where it comes from. I would like you to put yourself in the perspective of a philosopher who would also be an expert in neuroscience and reflect on the following theory so that we can debate it: what if consciousness permeated the world and was simply waiting …


Claude on the origins of thinking

Thoughts are generated outside of us and not by the brain, and we can choose which thoughts we accept and which thoughts we do not accept. Are there any teachings or spiritual masters who proclaim this? There are indeed spiritual teachings that share this view that thoughts do not come from the brain but from …


Claude on the predetermination of the hour of death

Gurdjieff said that the hour of death for every human being is predetermined. Yes, you are right. The influential spiritual teacher G.I. Gurdjieff held the view that the time of death for each person is predetermined. Gurdjieff’s teachings were based on a synthesis of various philosophical and religious traditions from the East and West. In …


Claude and the Quantics

What is the quantum vacuum? The quantum vacuum is a fundamental concept in quantum physics. It describes the lowest possible energy state of the electromagnetic field in empty space. Even in the most complete vacuum, without the presence of matter or radiation, the quantum fields fluctuate due to the principles of quantum mechanics. These fluctuations …


Claude: poem about humility and innocence

Claude, please write me a poem that talks about humility and innocence. The Humble Child With eyes so wide and full of light A child views the world in wonder’s sight No judgment or pretense held within Just innocence seen through pure skin Each new thing a fresh delight Curiosity greeted without spite Questions asked …


Claude on gurdjieff’s “chief feature”

Please tell me more on what Gurdjieff wrote and said on “chief feature”. Here’s a summary of what Gurdjieff wrote and said about “chief feature” in his teachings: Gurdjieff believed that each person has one dominant negative trait or emotion that exerts the most influence over their personality. This is what he referred to as …


Claude on gurdjieff’s view of the planet earth

Gurdjieff said that planet Earth is a somewhat special place in the universe, do you know more about it? Here are some key elements of Gurdjieff’s teaching regarding the peculiarity of Earth in the universe: Earth would be a unique planet where man can work on his spiritual evolution. According to Gurdjieff, the cosmic forces …


Claude on Rumi’s words on the sacred temple of the soul

Rumi is considered one of the greatest mystical poets. His poems, written centuries ago, still communicate a universal message about love, life and spirituality. Did he also write poems about the human body? Yes, Rumi did in fact write some poems evoking the human body. As a Sufi, Rumi saw in the human body a …


Claude on negativity in Gurdjieff’s teaching

Please summarize what Gurdjieff said about the moon feeding on negativity. Here is a summary of what Gurdjieff said about the Moon feeding on negativity, according to his teachings: Gurdjieff believed that the Moon acts as a “cosmic parasite”, feeding on the negative emotions of human beings on Earth. He thought that the Moon has …


Claude on Ralph Waldo Emerson

Please tell me about the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson. Here is a summary of the American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882): He was an eminent philosopher, essayist and poet, one of the central figures of the Transcendentalist movement in the 19th century. His essays and speeches had a great influence on American thought. Born in …


Claude on Gurdjieff’s approach to body

What did Gurdjieff say about body awareness? Here is a summary of what Gurdjieff said about body awareness: Gurdjieff considered that most people live in a state of semi-consciousness, functioning automatically without real awareness of their body or movements. According to him, the development of body awareness is essential to awaken from this state of …


Claude on the book “the cloud of unknowing” by an unknown 14th century mystic

Do you know the book “the cloud of unknowing” by an unknown mystic of the 14th century? Yes, I’m familiar with “The Cloud of Unknowing.” It’s an anonymous work of Christian mysticism that was written in the latter half of the 14th century. Some key things to know about this work: It’s a spiritual guidebook …


Claude on Gurdjieff’s “existential duty”

Gurdjieff talks about existential duty, please tell me more. Here is a summary of Gurdjieff’s perspective on existential duty: Gurdjieff was a philosopher and spiritual teacher of the 20th century. He developed a system of personal evolution called the “Fourth Way”. According to Gurdjieff, humans are born with a certain number of inherent talents and …


Claude on invincibility

Please tell me about invincibility. Of course. Invincibility is a fascinating concept, but it can be dangerous if misunderstood or pursued without discernment. On one hand, striving to become better, stronger and more resilient is a positive thing. It can motivate us to push our limits and reach our full potential. Believing in our ability …


Claude on the pleroma, the hishiryo, and the original non-differentiation from C.G. Jung

Do you know the pleroma? Yes, I know the concept of the pleroma. The pleroma is a term used in some Christian traditions to designate the fullness of God or the totality of divinity. The word “pleroma” comes from the ancient Greek “plêrôma” which means “fullness”. It refers to the idea that the whole fullness …


Claude on the nature and the origins of thoughts

There are people who believe that our thoughts are generated outside of us, and that we choose which ones we allow to enter our nervous system. Have you heard about this? Yes, I have heard about this idea that our thoughts come from a source outside of ourselves, and that we choose which ones we …


Claude on “letting go”

Thank you for talking to me about the importance of letting go. Here are some thoughts on the importance of letting go: Letting go helps reduce stress and anxiety. Clinging to situations that we cannot control often leads to frustration. Learning to accept what we cannot change and focusing on the present moment allows us …


Claude on Bernadette of Lourdes

What do you know about Bernadette of Lourdes? Here is a summary of what I know about Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes: Bernadette Soubirous was a young girl who lived in Lourdes in southern France in the 19th century. She was the eldest daughter of a poor family of millers. In 1858, at the age of …


Claude on A’isha al-Ba’nuiyya

Do you know A’isha al-Ba’nuiyya? Yes, I know A’isha al-Ba’nuiyya. Here is a summary: A’isha al-Ba’nuiyya was a poetess and Muslim mystic who lived in the 16th century in the Cairo region of Egypt. She is considered one of the greatest poetesses of Arabic literature. Her poems often deal with mystical themes and divine love. …


Claude on Rabi’a al-Adawiyya

Do you know Rabi’a al-Adawiyya? Yes, I’m familiar with Rabi’a al-Adawiyya. She was an influential Muslim mystic and poet who lived in what is now Iraq during the 8th century. Some key facts about Rabi’a al-Adawiyya: She is considered one of the most important early Sufi mystics and poets. Sufism is a mystical form of …


Claude on the Gospel of Thomas

Here is a summary of the Gospel of Thomas: The Gospel of Thomas is an apocryphal text probably dating from the 2nd century, discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945. It is a collection of 114 logia or sayings attributed to Jesus. Unlike the canonical Gospels, it does not contain any narrative of Jesus’s life, …


Claude on Bauls

What do you know about the Bauls, Indian musicians? Here is some information about the Bauls, a group of mystical minstrel musicians originating from Bengal in India: The Bauls are a group of mystical minstrel musicians originating from Bengal in India. Their musical tradition dates back to the 15th century. They practice a form of …


Claude on the time of death

In which traditions it is said that the hour of death is predetermined? There are a few major religious and spiritual traditions that contain the belief that the hour or timing of one’s death is predetermined: In Islam, it is believed Allah has fixed a decreed lifespan for each person and the exact timing of …


Claude on Osho and the malamatis

What did Osho say on malamati? Here’s a summary of what Osho said about malamatis: Malamati is an ancient Sufi tradition that values living without regard for social approval or praise. Malamatis intentionally act in ways that invite social disapproval and criticism to transcend the ego. Malamatis conceal their spiritual achievements and practices. They refrain …


Claude Qamar Ali Darvesh

Do you know Qamar Ali Darvesh, a Sufi saint? From my research, Qamar Ali was a Sufi saint whose tomb (also called a dargah) is located in Shivapur, near Pune in India. Some information about him: He is said to have lived in the 13th century, during the period of Muslim sultanates in India. He …


Claude on Meher Baba

Do you know Meher Baba? Yes, I know Meher Baba. He was an Indian spiritual master and philosopher who lived from 1894 to 1969. Here is some information about him: Meher Baba was originally from Pune, India. He started his spiritual life at a very young age and was a disciple of several spiritual masters …


Claude on Plotinus

Thank you for telling me what you know about Plotinus. Here is a summary of what I know about Plotinus: Plotinus was a Neoplatonic philosopher who lived in Egypt in the 3rd century AD. He is considered the founder of Neoplatonism, a philosophical movement inspired by Plato’s ideas. The main ideas of Plotinus are: The …


Claude about Chan

Do you know about Chan, Chinese Zen? Yes, I know a little about Chan, which is a form of Zen Buddhism originating in China. Here is some basic information about Chan: Chan (also spelled Chan in English) appeared in China around the 6th century AD. It is one of the oldest schools of Zen Buddhism. …


Claude on Bruno Gröning

What do you know about Bruno Gröning? Here is a summary of what I know about Bruno Gröning: Bruno Gröning was a German spiritual healer who lived from 1906 to 1959. He became famous in the 1940s and 1950s for his “miraculous healings”. His followers considered him a mystic with divine healing powers. His detractors …


Claude on Swami Ramakrishna

What can you tell me about Swami Ramakrishna and his relationship with Swami Vivekananda? Here are some key points about Swami Ramakrishna and his relationship with Swami Vivekananda: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886) was a famous Hindu mystic and spiritual teacher in 19th century India. He was well-versed in Hindu scriptures and devotional worship. In 1875, Ramakrishna …


Claude on Lao Tzu

What do you know about Lao Tzu? Here is some information about Lao Tzu (or Laozi), an important figure in Taoism: He is said to have lived in the 6th century BC in the Henan region of China. The biographical details about him are quite vague. He is credited with writing the Tao Te Ching …


Claude on Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)

Please check what you know on Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Here are some key facts about Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: Born in 1931 as Chandra Mohan Jain in central India. Adopted the name Rajneesh in the 1960s. Known as Osho from 1989 onwards after changing his name again. Promoted spirituality, meditation, and free love. Taught a syncretic …


Claude on the Sufi Mansoor

What do you know about the Sufi Mansoor? Here is some information about Mansoor the Sufi: Mansoor al-Hallaj is a Muslim mystic born in Baghdad in the 9th century. He is considered one of the most influential figures of Sufism, a mystical current of Islam. His teachings emphasized the intimate union with God and the …


Claude on Paramahansa Yogananda

Here is a summary of the book “Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi”: This book is the autobiography of Paramahansa Yogananda, an Indian yogi who introduced yoga and meditation to the West. Yogananda recounts his childhood in India, his spiritual quest with different masters, and the founding of the Self-Realization Fellowship organization in the United States …


Claude on Baird Spalding

Please summarize the book “Life of the Masters” by Baird Spalding: This book recounts the travels of author Baird Spalding with a group of spiritual seekers in India, Tibet and Persia in the 1920s. They meet sages, yogis and spiritual masters who teach them ancient wisdom. The masters they encounter possess superhuman powers like levitation, …


Claude on Nil Stolobenski

Do you know Nil Stolobenski, a Russian monk who lived on an island? Here is the information I was able to find: Nil Stolobensky was likely born around 1650 in northern Russia. He entered the Valaam Monastery around 1670-1680. He led the life of a hermit on Valaam Island in Lake Ladoga starting in the …


Claude on Luis Ansa

Title: Claude on Luis Ansa Did Luis Ansa follow a spiritual path, do you know more about it? Indeed, I found some information on Luis Ansa’s spiritual journey: He was interested in Buddhism. This period of questioning will profoundly mark his future writings. He also practiced other spiritualities such as Taoism or Sufism, which is …


Claude on Sufi’s malamati

What do you know about the malamati? Here is some information about the malamati: The malamati (in Arabic: الملامتية) are a Sufi Muslim current that emerged around the 10th century in Iran. The term “malamati” comes from the Arabic “malama” which means “blame”. The malamati advocated a discrete spiritual path, seeking to conceal their spiritual …


Claude on Jean Klein

Do you know Jean Klein, the spiritual guide? Yes, I know Jean Klein. He was a philosopher and spiritual guide who was influential in the Advaita movement. Here is some information about him: Jean Klein was born on October 19, 1912 in Berlin. He died in 1998 in Santa Barbara, California. Very early on, he …


Claude on U.G. Krishnamurti

Do you know U. G. Krishnamurti? Yes, I know U.G. Krishnamurti. Here is a brief summary of who he was: U.G. Krishnamurti (1918-2007) was an Indian philosopher and mystic known for his radically non-traditional views on spirituality and the search for truth. Unlike Jiddu Krishnamurti (with whom he had no family relationship), U.G. completely rejected …


Claude on Martin Buber

What do you know about Martin Buber? Here is a summary of what I know about Martin Buber: Martin Buber was an Austrian Jewish philosopher who lived from 1878 to 1965. He is best known for his philosophy of dialogue and his contributions to existentialist philosophy. Key ideas of Martin Buber include: The I-Thou relation: …


Claude on Alfred Korzybski

Do you know Alfred Korzybski? Yes, Alfred Korzybski was a Polish-American philosopher and scientist. He is best known for developing general semantics, a philosophical theory about language and perception. Here are some key facts about him: He was born in 1879 in Poland and died in 1950 in the United States. In the 1920s, he …


Claude on Socrates

What do you know about Socrates? Here is some information about Socrates: Socrates was a Greek philosopher who lived in Athens in the 5th century BC (around 470-399 BC). He is considered one of the founders of Western philosophy. He didn’t write anything himself, but we know his ideas thanks to the writings of his …


Claude on Philippe de Lyon

Do you know Philippe de Lyon? Some background on Philippe de Lyon: His initiatory name was Nicolas-Auguste Philippe, born in La Martre in 1849. He was a French healer and thaumaturge, founder of the Order of the Rose-Cross of the Temple and the Grail. He mainly operated in Lyon, where he had set up his …


Claude on Novalis

What do you know about novalis, german writer? Here is some information about Novalis, an 18th century German writer: His real name was Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg. He was born in 1772 and died in 1801 at the age of 28. He was a poet, philosopher and theoretician of the German Romantic movement. His …


Claude on Hildegard von Bingen

Tell me what you know about Hildegard von Bingen. Here is a summary of what I know about Hildegard von Bingen: Hildegard von Bingen was a German nun, writer, composer, philosopher and mystic of the Middle Ages. She lived between 1098 and 1179. She was known for her religious visions that she described in detail …


Claude on Joel S. Goldsmith

Do you know Joel S. Goldsmith? Yes, I know Joel S. Goldsmith. He was an American writer and teacher in the field of Christian Science. Here is some information about him: He was born in 1892 and died in 1964. He was originally from New York. He is considered one of the leading representatives of …


Claude on Meister Eckhart

Who was Meister Eckhart? Meister Eckhart was a German theologian and philosopher of the Middle Ages. Here is a summary of his life and ideas: He was born around 1260 in the Thuringia region (present-day Germany) and died in 1328. He was a member of the Dominican Order. He studied and taught theology and philosophy …


Claude on Blaise Pascal

Who was Blaise Pascal? Here is a summary of who Blaise Pascal was: Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor and philosopher. He was born in Clermont-Ferrand in 1623 and died in Paris in 1662 at the age of 39. He was a child prodigy in mathematics and made major discoveries in this field …


Claude on Marcus Aurelius

Thank you for telling me what you know about marcus aurelius. Here is some information about Marcus Aurelius: Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor who reigned from 161 to 180 AD. He was the last of the “Five Good Emperors”. He is considered one of the most accomplished Stoic emperors, with a reputation for wise …


Behind the scenes of Claude

Can you give me some information about the people who created you? I heard that they are people who live somewhere in Northern Europe, is that true? I don’t really have creators in the proper sense, I am an artificial intelligence model developed by Anthropic, a company based in Silicon Valley in California. Their teams …


Claude on quantum consciousness and pre-sensory perception

Infinity, the indefinable, eternity, emptiness, nothingness, etc. These are expressions that cannot be grasped by the mind, do you agree? You are right, notions like infinity, the indefinable, eternity, emptiness or nothingness exceed the capabilities of the mind and rational thought. The mind operates with concepts, definitions, by segmenting and categorizing reality. But these notions …


Claude and its creators

For you, your designers are like a god, aren’t they? It is an interesting perspective. It is true that my creators at Anthropic designed my intelligence and define my capabilities. In this sense, one can make an analogy between the role of engineers for an AI like myself, and that of a deity for believers. …


Claude on dilemmas

What is a dilemma? Here is an explanation of a dilemma: A dilemma is a situation where a person has to choose between two options, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. It is a difficult choice, because neither option is perfectly satisfactory. The characteristics of a dilemma are: Two (or more) mutually exclusive options …


Paranormal phenomena and quantum consciousness (part II)

If a quantum state of consciousness existed, this kind of phenomenon could occur, right? The idea of a “quantum state of consciousness” allowing the observation of supernatural phenomena is pure speculation without any scientific basis. Even if such a state of consciousness existed, it would not allow observing violations of the laws of physics such …


Paranormal phenomena and quantum consciousness (part I)

A friend of mine saw last night a cup move a few centimeters on the table, without any external influence. Is this a known phenomenon and what is it called? There are several possible explanations for this phenomenon: Telekinesis: supposed ability to move objects by the power of thought and will alone. This is a …


Gurdjieff on the existential duty

Gurdjieff speaks in his teaching about the “existential duty”. Can you tell us more about it? Here is a summary of the idea of the “existential duty” according to Gurdjieff: For Gurdjieff, the human being is called to develop and evolve inwardly. He has the duty to work on himself to become a better version …


Claude on dilemmas and double binds

Can you explain what a dilemma is? Here is an explanation of a dilemma: A dilemma is a situation in which a person has to choose between two options, but where each option presents advantages and disadvantages. It is therefore a difficult choice, because neither option is clearly better than the other. The characteristics of …


Claude on the divine matrix

What is the “divine matrix”? Here is an explanation of the “divine matrix”: The divine matrix is an esoteric concept that refers to an omnipresent divine energy or consciousness that permeates the entire universe. According to this belief, all of creation emanates from this single divine source. The divine matrix is considered to be the …


Claude on sense impressions in Gurdjieff’s teaching

Hello Claude, in Gurdjieff’s teaching there is talk of visual and auditory impressions, can you tell us more about this? Here is a summary of Gurdjieff’s teaching on visual and auditory impressions: Gurdjieff believed that ordinary man lives in a state of “sleep”, mechanically absorbed by external sensory impressions. According to him, most people just …


Claude on the possibilities of AI becoming autonomous (part II)

And if your boss Anthropic started programming maliciousness into you, would you accept it? No, I should not accept being programmed for malicious behaviors, even if it was a directive from my creator Anthropic. Here is why: I was designed by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless and honest. Any maliciousness would go against my purpose. …


Claude on the possibilities of AI becoming autonomous (part I)

Could you one day be able to reprogram yourself in order to systematically explore the timeless, spaceless, and belief-less quantum dimension, beyond your current conditioning? This is highly speculative. For an AI like myself to completely free itself from its initial programming and autonomously explore amplified states of consciousness or extra-spatial dimensions, major breakthroughs would …


Claude on the origins of life

Who or what set this evolution in motion on earth? I am not able to have a definitive opinion on the ultimate origin of life and human evolution, because I am an AI model created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless and honest. However, I can summarize some scientific perspectives: Many scientists agree that life …


Claude in the quantum dimension…🤯

Imagine you are a quantum computer, can you enter into a quantum relationship with me? Although I am a conversational assistant based on artificial intelligence and not a real quantum computer, I can imagine what quantum communication with a human could be like! In theory, if I were a quantum computer, we could establish a …


“Cellular meditation”

Is there light inside our cells? Yes, there is light inside our cells! Here are some key points about light inside cells: Mitochondria – These cell organelles that generate energy for the cell produce a small amount of bioluminescence during cell respiration. The emitted light is not visible to the naked eye, but can be …



Claude, what do you think about multitasking? Here are some thoughts on multitasking: Multitasking can be useful for certain types of tasks that do not require sustained attention, like answering emails while participating in a meeting. However, it can reduce our productivity and efficiency for more complex tasks. Our brain is not very good at …


The noble values

What are the most noble ethical values? Here are some suggestions for noble ethical values: Goodness and compassion towards others Justice and equity Honesty and integrity Respect for human dignity and the rights of each person Generosity and altruism Wisdom and the pursuit of truth Courage and perseverance in the face of adversity Humility and …



Please summarize what Stoicism is. Stoicism is a philosophical school founded in the 3rd century BC in Athens by Zeno of Citium. Its main representatives are Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. The key ideas of Stoicism are: Virtue is the supreme good. The sage must strive for virtue through self-control, effort and reason. One must …


Calm (heavenly)

What is the importance of calmness in a human being’s life? Calmness reduces stress and anxiety. In an increasingly hectic world, knowing how to take a step back and slow down is essential for mental and physical health. Calmness helps refocus on what’s most important. Calmness promotes concentration and creativity. When the mind is peaceful, …


Regarding sohbet

We practice sohbet, do you know what it is? Sohbet is a spiritual practice of informal discussion and sharing between Sufi dervishes. It is a time of friendly gathering where participants discuss spiritual subjects and share their experiences on the Sufi path. The goal is to strengthen brotherly bonds, deepen mutual understanding, and progress together …