Note: the blue italics indicates the teacher, in black other participants.

“I am” and self-remembering

If you are in body consciousness, you can feel “I am”. But it is no longer the I am of identity. It is a dis-identified “I am”.

The work is to be in body consciousness, in divided attention with the “I am”.

Of course, it is possible to speak while remaining in the body consciousness. We may not talk the same way, not just in terms of tone and rhythm, but also in content. It eliminates the superfluous.

You also can add self-remembering. And self is the condensing of the essential value. It is not the feeling of the essential value, but a condensing of the content. It is evident. This is the essence of the essential value. It is indefinable and elusive as is body consciousness; it is something additional, specific to each one.

The same can be said otherwise; it is separate from what we believe ourselves to be, to find us again in what we are and be reborn from there, from this very essence. And then we can tie on what is born from the self, in the moment constantly renewed. The essential value takes lots of facets that are the expression of what we are.

And it’s always in the moment. And that is why we can’t anticipate what will be said. It is a response to the given context.

The “I am”, is to remain open; it passes through you, it is not from the head. The “I am” is specific to you in body consciousness, in non-separation.

The child lives this, but without being conscious of it, and through the deployment of the identity, this is lost. We find it back easily through necessary suffering, in this death to oneself, in taking responsibility for one’s self.

In the “I am”, there’s no doubt.

I invite you to practice occasionally a broader divided attention that encompasses the whole area that surrounds you, including what is outside of the biological field of vision and auditory field.